Welcome to Beautiful Birth!
Providing expert antenatal education since 2008 – with master clinical hypnotherapist
& Munster’s first Hypnobirthing Educator & Trainer, Claire Brett.
Feeling scared and uncertain about your upcoming birth?
Don’t really want to think about it at all and just hoping for the best?
Have you had a previous difficult birth experience where you felt out of control and fearful?
Are you a first-time parent being told lots of horror stories about other people’s birth experiences that make you and your baby want to run for the hills?
Are you open to intervention if it’s needed but still want to remain calm, in control and empowered – no matter what turn your birthing takes?
Then you’re in the right place!
It is my mission to change the way expectant parents like you view and experience birth and to provide life-changing education and inspiration – so that you can have the birth that’s right for you and your baby.
Our Hypnobirthing classes in Cork provide you with comprehensive antenatal education & scientifically-proven techniques focused on releasing fear, embracing pregnancy & birth and empowerment of parents-to-be.
There’s nothing ‘alternative’ about our classes!
They are based in science and the techniques really are life-changing.
(over 1000 couples have been served and countless positive birth stories later – the evidence doesn’t lie!)
Check out our many happy birth stories here: https://www.beautifulbirth.ie/birth-stories/
Watch Claire’s appearance on RTE’S Today Show below:
Discussing the huge benefits of hypnobirthing alongside one of her lovely hypnobirthing mums – who is also a medical doctor & a huge hypnobirthing advocate (having used the techniques in preparation for the births of her 3 daughters):
Hypnobirthing is a complete childbirth preparation program and is for anyone who wants to have their baby naturally or just with more confidence and comfort.
Don’t just take my word for it though…
See what some of our lovely parents have to say HERE
The Benefits of HypnoBirthing
-Whether you’re having your first or your fourth child
-Whether you’ve had easy or complicated births
-Whether you’ve had an easy or difficult pregnancy
No matter what your experience or expectation, Hypnobirthing will help you to:
- Eliminate fear, tension and pain and have a positive mindset for birth.
- Have practical tools & techniques both for you and for your partner to support you.
- Understand the birth process more, what hinders it and what helps it to progress.
- Significantly reduce (and even eliminate) the risk of episiotomy, pelvic floor damage and post-natal depression.
- Minimize, (and even eliminate) the need for medical interventions.
- Reduce fatigue during labour so you’re awake and energized for your baby’s actual birth.
- Keep oxygen supplied to your baby during labour and birth so your baby remains calm and safe.
- Breathe effectively through contractions & birth – no panting!
- Prepare yourself effectively for induction and c-section (if that is what is happening for you).
- Make a faster recovery & manage those early parenting days in a calm, nurturing way.
Imagine what it would be like to actually look forward to your birth, KNOWING that you are prepared for whatever curve ball might be thrown at you. (I promise you my most fearful pregnant mums do report they look forward to the birth after attending classes – OF COURSE that’s going to positively impact the birth experience!
It is possible!
By employing the simple yet powerful techniques of Hypnobirthing – which is an internationally- renowned approach to childbirth and is used by women for their prenatal care throughout the world. Your Hypnobirthing learning with Claire will prepare you for birth on all levels:
Physically. Mentally. Emotionally.
The simple-to-learn deep relaxation and self-hypnosis techniques help to eliminate fear and tension and replace them with trust, calm and confidence.